Agricultural-based topics discussed at this blog will include, but not be limited to: - Leadership - Branding - Relationships - Seeking & Pursuing Truth - Exceeding Expectations - Upholding High Standards - Persevering - Agvocating - Preserving and Promoting - General/random thoughts and experiences about Faith/Family, AgriTourism, Horse Racing History, & Huskers.
Friday, March 30, 2012
An Agricultural Metaphor ~ Back Home!
It takes about 6.5 hours to drive the 450-mile stretch between our home in Billings, Mont., to my former stomping grounds in western Nebraska. After 15 years, I know nearly every crack and crevice of the two interstates and two-lane highways just about as well as I'm beginning to know the wrinkles carving their way onto my 43-year-old forehead. With the entire family (hubby or Papa & two kiddos) or by myself, the trek continues to require a couple necessary pit stops in Wyoming.
Having lived away from my Nebraska Panhandle now longer than I lived there, I remain a Husker at Heart! Other than seeing the faces of my mom, step dad, three sisters, family and friends, nothing says "YOU'RE 'BACK HOME'" more to me than the view of the Scotts Bluff National Monument in my windshield. I admit, I've shed a happy tear or two even seeing that sandstone rock from the window seat of an airplane upon returning home for a visit from college.
Not only for myself, but I'm certain for other former Panhandle residents, the Monument serves as a natural "landing page" in our memory-recall. Even diaries and journals of 19th century westward emigrants, who traveled by covered wagons along the Oregon, Mormon and California trails, noted the natural marvel. History reflects that more than 250,000 travelers made their way through the area between 1843 and 1869.
Scottsbluff and Gering, a.k.a., the Twin Cities, today boasts about 22,000+ residents. Besides the North Platte River, a little cross-town rivalry occasionally separates the two cities. But you see residents pulling together like recently, when Teresa Scanlan, from Gering was named Miss Nebraska 2010 and later Miss America 2011, becoming the youngest Miss America crowned since 1937. And when the 2011-2012 Scottsbluff High School Boys Basketball team brought home the state Class B Championship trophy for the first time since 1955.
Sunday = Fun Day!
I know its easy to take every essence of the people and environment around you for granted when it's all that your eyes see daily. Objects and emotions become sedentary......complacent.......unattached. For those reasons, that why I appreciate going "Back Home" to Nebraska. I always look forward to recalling the memories I made during my formative years and the new ones I make with my own children and extended family now.
Sunday's have and will continue to be my favorite day of the week: waking up to read the Sunday paper....hearing meadowlarks sing from fence post perches....heading off to Sunday school and then church.....anticipating the mmmmm....mmmmm...goodness of my mom's fried chicken and mashed potatoes.......responding to my dad's desire to go for a Sunday drive to only-God-knows-where....and topping off the day with some ice cream from the local creamery and a good Disney movie on TV.
Sunday's have been days of celebrating births.....baptisms........Easter holidays......graduations......visits from friends........reaping the harvest for which we have sewn..... and most importantly for me now than ever before, listening intently to God's word.
On this last trip back home, I was able to attend church service with my sister and mom in the same church that my hubby and I were married in nearly 16 years ago. The scripture reading for the day came from John 12:20-36. As I looked to find the passage in my Bible, my ears perked when I heard the worship leader say, "Today's timeless word is an 'Agricultural Metaphor', in which Jesus predicts His own death and explains to His disciples in verse 24: I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."
I sat in amazement of God's grace and steadfastness when I realized how much he has always made Agricultural an integral part of my life. From as early as being a 4-H'er in Scotts Bluff County; showing market lambs and stocker feeders; participating in livestock judging; majoring in journalism and getting the "Ag Beat" for my J-School newspaper; writing for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agricultural & Natural Resources; being hired as an agricultural reporter and photographer my first year out of college; only later to be recruited by a public relations and advertising agency to write for one of the largest fertilizer company's; and now having my own public relations and marketing business to work with those associated with agriculture.
Which, when you drum it down, we ALL are associated with Agriculture. Farmers and ranchers grow and raise food. We, as consumers, eat food for nourishment and sustainability. Pretty simple!
So, when I have remained faithful and obedient to God's nudging, He has always brought something to do with Agricultural into my life. I look forward to being the New Ag Columnist for the Gering Citizen Newspaper and helping meet the public relations and marketing needs for the upcoming documentary film, the Wheat Harvest Movie. Looking forward to both adventures and having additional outlets to "agvocate" for our American farmers and ranchers.
I hope you will join me on this journey! Because, as in life, recalling the Agricultural Metaphor of Jesus, when you have a seed and it sits by itself ~ it bears no fruit! We need to work as a community of "seeds" to thrive!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
So, I Smell Like a Sale Barn! You Bet I Do!
When it comes to social media sophistication, you might qualify my husband, Mr. Lamp, a.k.a. "Lampy" and the surname behind my Lamp Public Relations and Marketing business, as a casual Facebook-friendly bench warmer. Sure, he has a page. Sure, he has few family and friends and has accepted requests by association. But is he out there posting his thoughts daily? Uploading pictures, albums or videos? Or tagging his friends or "checking-in"? Yeah, not so much.
And that's okay! He's willing to learn and that's more the point. Lampy works for Axiom International as a national sales representative. The company has been a Billings-based, family-owned importer of general merchandise since 1983 and Lampy has worked there since 2000. Axiom offers its retail customers a variety of products ranging from party goods, pet toys, to sun and eye glasses. Lampy knows the new "cold call" has become connecting through a social media outlet. And, he's working to embrace that concept.
So, that's where I, with all my social media expertise (I have more than two Twitter followers ~ which makes me qualified since he doesn't even have an account or knows what's so "Pinteresting" about Pinterest) swoops in to coach my team captain! Actually, since I started my trek down the social media yellow brick road of networking communication, he looks at me as the family "Oz" expert. Plus, I have been asked on several occasions to speak, train, track, promote and utilize social media for my clients.
"Sniff, Sniff" Do You Smell That??
When the opportunity came this week to invite Lampy as my guest to the Billings Advertising and Marketing Club luncheon to attend his first social media marketing training, I suggested he pick me up from my office at Billings Livestock Sales Commission.
Upon arriving and anticipating the introductions and start of the program, Lampy leans over, and what I thought would be an expression of affection from the man I've been happily married to for nearly 16 years, and says,
"Yes," I whisper back.
"You kind of
smell like the sale barn!"
Well, I'm certain that some women might take that verbal observation of their husband's olfactory system and translate it (as we often do) to the following:
"Hey Honey! You STINK!"
Well, let me tell you why I REVERE, "Honey, you kind of smell like the sale barn!", as ONE OF THE BEST compliments he or anyone could have ever given me!
LiveStock Commission
(BLS) ~ Montana’s Pioneer Market
In 2009, I started Lamp Public Relations & Marketing to serve as
resource/partner with existing agencies; and/or to add value to
businesses that have in-house marketing departments. As a public relations and marketing professional, in addition to more
than 20 years of agricultural experience as a daily newspaper reporter &
photographer; PR agency senior writer to account executive; public speaker;
business owner and marketing executive; I have developed a deep appreciation for our
American farmers and ranchers.
Social media certainly is not a fad, so adding the “Bright Ideas!
Brighter Future!” as a tagline and now as a blog for my freelancing business was an attempt to help shed a positive light on promoting business and share stories that would help empower others.
Here are the reasons I choose to have my office at BLS ~ a "sale barn" ~ One of the Oldest, Continuous Livestock Auctions In America:
1. THE HISTORY ~ "Back in 1934, the
Wolff Brothers left Denver, Colorado and landed in
Billings, Mont., striking up a partnership with
the late Arthur “Art” Langman. Originally, they
created a horse and mule auction and later added
cows and bulls. Located on First Avenue North, they
leased facilities from the Northern Pacific Railroad
and set up shop.
Billings LiveStock
Commission was the hub market as the Wolff-Langman
Partnership developed markets also in Great Falls
and Miles City, MT. Along with auctioneer, Norman G
Warsinske and cattle buyer, Lyle Devine, they
created a livestock merchandising endeavor that has
never been equaled.
In later years Art’s
son, the late A.J. “Jerry” Langman and Ralph
Cunningham, along with a fieldman by the name of
Conrad Burns, now Montana’s US Senator, continued
the BLS tradition. During the late 1970’s Scott
Langman, Jerry’s son, became the third generation
operator and moved the Billings Live Stock
Commission to its present location (home of Lamp Public Relations & Marketing) on the North
Frontage Road east of Billings.
In 1984 Scott sold the
business to Patrick K. Goggins, who operated it for
some years. Pat sold it to Jack McGuinness, who
operated it for sixteen years. BLS was purchased
in 2003 by Goggins, who totally rebuilt the
stockyards, revamping it from head to tail.
BLS sells cattle every
week on Thursdays for all classes. The 4th
weekend of each month, BLS becomes the “Horse
Selling Capital of Western America”. 500 to 1100
head sell on any given weekend. The Northern Livestock
Video Auction base operation is also located at BLS.
Several video sales a year are staged to an
international market.
2. THE PEOPLE ~ At the risk of sounding like a name dropper, let's just say I have the opportunity to be around the Best of the Best in the cattle and horse industries any given day of the week. From World Champion Auctioneers, Saddle Bronc Riders, Team Ropers, Reiners, Cattle & Horse Breeders, to any and everyone associated with the livestock industry. Consignors and buyers have traveled to BLS for nearly 80 years from every state of the union (except for Hawaii I'm told) for the tradition of livestock selling through an auction. I have met people from New York, Florida, California, Washington and every state in between at BLS. The current BLS Horse Sale Managers, Jann & Bill Parker, are the best in the business promoting the horse sale market. The February 2012 BLS Horse went down in the books as the best Feb. horse sale since 2007.
"No where in the United State can they (buyers) find the numbers or the quality they are able to see each and every month in Billings." ~ Bill Parker
3. THE MARKETPLACE MAGIC ~ I was on the auction block during a weekly cattle sale in May 2010, when I heard 2009 World Champion Livestock Marketing Association Auctioneer Ty Thompson, lean back from his microphone, after selling 500 lbs feeder steers for $1.35 (cwt), and say,
"Holy $#^t! I can't believe that just happened!"
"MARKETPLACE MAGIC" had just happened on the auction block AGAIN at BLS and I was personally there to witness the cattle market prices swing upwards that day! History as it happened!! Thompson reports that he has seen the cattle market explode since that magical day at BLS. This past fall in 2011, he sold 200-300 lbs feeders for $2.20-$2.30 (cwt).
"That's the highest we've ever seen it," he says. "We have never seen it that high since, but that day was pretty shocking too."
I've personally seen pedigreed stud horses sell in the $40,000 to $60,000 range. And with that said, I've also seen well-trained ponies sell for as high as $14,000.
I don't know where else in the United States you can see this plethora of livestock ~ both cattle and horse ~ and bring this amount of consignors, buyers, prices in one place. If you know, please tell me!! I doubt I will move my office there. But in the meantime, if you want to find me in the Lamp Public Relations & Marketing office, just come to Billings Livestock Commission ~ the most successful combined cattle and horse sale barn in the United States.
And when you leave....you might just smell like a "sale barn" too!!
I sure hope you don't mind the smell of success!!
I sure hope you don't mind the smell of success!!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
A Salute to "Agvocates"! Meet My Friends!

Ryan says he's just an ordinary kid from Arkansas who grew up on a cattle ranch
and wanted to get out of Dodge. His family operated a commercial Angus
and stocker cattle operation where he soaked in the ranch life.
"I want to hear what others have to ask, share my knowledge, and sometimes learn with them. I want consumers to become more educated about food production before they criticize our work, and hopefully gain an appreciation for the work those of us in agriculture do daily. I want to hear others share their stories so we can stand up with a strong voice and tell the world how we produce the food on every plate. This is my journey, and I welcome you to come along for the ride."
Follow Ryan's journey:
Other blog titled “Sitting in the Pasture“
Videos on YouTube at AgProud
"Friend" Ryan on Facebook and join the I am Agriculture Proud fan page
Follow Ryan on Twitter as AR_ranchhand and use the tag #AgProud with your posts
Send Ryan an email with questions, comments, or suggestions (agricultureproud@hotmail.com).
- Scott Vernon: Professor of Ag Education & Communication, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Founder of "I Love Farmers...They Feed My Soul"
- http://ilovefarmers.org
Scott Vernon started "I Love Farmers...They Feed My Soul" in 2009 as a response
to political events in California surrounding the Proposition 2 ballot
initiative by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) on poultry cages,
veal production and swine gestation crates.
With Vernon as the lead, the effort was launched by a passionate group of college students as a unique, fresh and creative campaign to engage young people in a conversation about their food and who produces it. Entering its third year, "I Love Farmers...They Feed My Soul" has become one of the most popular efforts to
support American family farmers and ranchers.
In a recent interview with the High Plains Journal, Vernon explains, "We are not a school club or a member organization. We are a 'movement,' much in the sense the way environmental groups are movements. We grow from grassroots enthusiasm and passion of young people. We organize around college campuses for convenience, but are not officially associated with any school,"
In a recent interview with the High Plains Journal, Vernon explains, "We are not a school club or a member organization. We are a 'movement,' much in the sense the way environmental groups are movements. We grow from grassroots enthusiasm and passion of young people. We organize around college campuses for convenience, but are not officially associated with any school,"
The group uses phrases and sayings on a variety of
merchandise (the sell of apparel helps fund the cause) with phrases, "I'm hot. I'm dirty. I farm." And the most popular
merchandise features the text "WTF? Where's the Food? Without the
Over the past two years, the group has had several events in conjunction with fairs and
agricultural activities. The first original event was held on Nov. 10,
2011, and was called "WTF? Day 2011." Teams of students
from Cal Poly, Fresno State, Iowa State, Kansas State, Oklahoma State,
Texas A&M, UC Santa Barbara and the University of Arkansas came
together wearing WTF? T-shirts and spent the day on their campuses
talking to their peers, asking them about their food and starting
Love Farmers...They Feed My Soul" is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) tax exempt
organization. Donations are tax exempt. Support is needed and
appreciated. To purchase apparel or learn more about I Love Farmers...They Feed My Soul, visit one of their sites on the Internet:
Website: www.ilovefarmers.org
Michele Payn-Knoper, Cause Matters Corp.
to connect farm & food. Michele Payn-Knoper (MPK) is a professional
speaker inspiring connections for agriculture advocacy, food literacy
& conversations about both. See http://causematters.com/.
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